Company Info:

    Will branches be covered by Application? If yes, please provide list.

    Business Structure:

    Financial Data:

    Attach Financial Statements (last two fiscal years) or Annual Report. Accepted file types: JPG, PDF, or DOC

    Corporate Officers/Owners:

    Bank Reference:

    Industry Trade Reference (Air, Ocean, or Trucking):

    Aria Logistics Credit Terms


    All bills are due and payable, in full, thirty days after date on invoice. A finance charge will be imposed on any amount thirty days or more past due at a periodic rate of 1.5% per month. This rate is based on your past due balance at the end of each billing period. If your account is turned over to a collection agency or attorney for collection, or in the event of default, all collection, legal expenses and reasonable attorney fees will be paid by the debtor and be processed in and according to the laws of the State of New Jersey and the County of Bergen.


    I (We) understand and agree to the above stated  Terms of Payment and I (We) authorize Aria Logistics, LLC. to verify and investigate all information provided on this credit application.

      Signature Required. Sign with finger or Mouse

      [signature* signature-568 1140x200 background:#ebebeb color:#000000]